Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Note to Leah
J gets picked up around 9. Should have plenty of time really.
So if you see me on msn in the morning tell me to bugger off and DO THE BLINKING FOLDING!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Just a second...
And if we don't I guess there just may be more items than we currently think LOL.
So Leah your fun project for this week is to design a logo for our first series :D Have sewn four, six left to go. Although one of the Size 1's is a second (so watch this space TC fans! LOL)... will confer with the grand poohbah and put it up here for grabs in the near future.
The inners make them a deadset bugger to overlock, BUT I've just finished the most stunning Size 2... thinking might even pair with a cover for auction on that one... see how I go for time.
Also have thought of something wonderful to do with the bambooshka dolls!
Sooo really looking forward to a fabric shopping day and lunch out on Wednesday. Need to look for:
* gorgeous bright fleeces
* plain cotton for my booshka plan
* co-ordinating wool or fleece for the booshka plan too.
And my sister tells me we MUST have an Italian Hot Choc at that place we are going for lunch... to die for apparently.
And my Mum pointed out that it is just as well we are going on Wednesday not tomorrow due to the soccer factor :D
Friday, June 23, 2006
An idea gestates...
It might be very very difficult to pull off... hmmmmmm I wonder....
Leah gonna have to wait until you've downed a few at our solstice celebration tomorrow night before I hit you with this one!
Remind me to talk to you (in case I forget LOL) about the reality auction...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Busy week ahead
* Bambelour for R's new bubba (hope this is okay with you L?)
* Trade nappy for T
* 4 x COAP customs DONE
* 3 x NC prizes DONE
* 3 or 4 x GS pockets
* 10 x celestials
* All of the above! LOL
* 2 x cashies (L) DONE
* 4 x WW
* Robe for Emma! DONE
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
cooking with gas :)
signed up to an exciting looking co-op :)
yay for plans :D
Sunday, June 18, 2006
To Do for tomorrow...
To Dye
* NC prizes x 3
* WAHM swap nappies x 2
* Muslin for A
To Do
* Idea list for next restock
* Timeline for restock
* Fabrics for next couple of months... go shopping yay!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Dear Customers
Sometimes I feel bad that we reply to emails a bit slower than we'd like but because we are a partnership we need to confer before committing to stuff - what is realistically possible, what's in stock at one house or the other, and what we have time for. And sometimes Kate tells me things and I forget to do it. Well that happens a lot. I'm buying a whiteboard to jot down little jobs very soon :) So if you are waiting on an email from us and see my blogging instead, please don't feel like we've forgotten you! :)
But anyway, doing the invoicing has made my heart lift cause I say, "Oh X got a Y! How ace!" and it makes it all the more enjoyable :)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
silly me
Last minute to do's
- go thru entries one by one to check for errors
- lanolise :D
- create automated care instructions
- enter last few orders into cauldron cockpit
The Spruik
A Hard Day's Night
It's been a hard day's night, and we've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, we should be sleeping like a log
But when we bring it to you you'll find the things that we do
Will make you feel alright
You know we worked all day so we can show you lots of things
And it's worth it just to hear you say you wish you could have
So why on earth should we moan, 'cause 9 O'clock you'll be shown
And then we'll feel ok
Moon is full, everything seems to be right
Moon is full, this very Tuesday night, night!
It's been a hard day's night, and we've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, We should be sleeping like a log
But at the full moon tonight, when the the time is just right
We'll make you feel alright
You know we feel alright
You know you'll feel alright...
Monday, June 12, 2006
big tease
Kate, you get nervous bout your sewing, I get way nervous about whether the store is stocked right - lucky we split the jobs else we'd have nervous breakdowns.
We have to totally be prepared to not sell out fast, there is SO MUCH STUFF. How did we pull that off? Remember how sick we were??? And the kids .... maybe that's the key, we stay home LOL
Getting nervous....
Seem to get jumpier with each one! Maybe because we are really raising the stakes this time... and I've got the usual last minute panic of 'is my sewing etc good enough' LOL.
Okay gonna put it out there... goal is 130 shoppers. Got 122 last restock... Sue got a (well deserved) 130+ at her launch. *crosses fingers*
Just as well my best friend is coming to visit tomorrow to keep me a bit sane LOL. Gonna be a looooooooong day!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
hmmm ....
I'm about 1/3rd of the way through, maybe? Anyway, I am waning tonight, gotta go tidy up a bit and hit the sack.
Having big frustrations with my camera and the lack of decent light. Hopefully tomorrow is bright and even lit and if I need to take any pics over it'll be simply done :)
I think I've peaked...
Everyone else will see why on Tuesday night :D
Truly I think the lushest, most beautiful nappy I have ever made!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Google is good ;)
Este amor llega asi esta manera
No tiene la culpa
Caballo le ven sabana
Porque muy depreciado,
Por eso no te perdon de llorar
Este amor llega asi esta manera
No tiene la culpa,
Amor de comprementa
Amor del mes pasado
Bebele, bembele, bembele
Bamboleo, bambolea
Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi
Bamboleo, bambolea
Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi
No tiene pardon de dios
Tu eres mi vida, la fortuna del destino
Pero el destino tendressa para dos
Lo mismo yo que ayer
Lo mismo soy yo
No te encuentro a l'abandon
Es imposible no te encuentro de verdad
Por eso un dia no cuentro si de nada
Lo mismo you que ayer
Yo pienso en ti
Bamboleo, bambolea
Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi
Bamboleo, bambolea
Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi
Bamboleo, bambolea
Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi
Bamboleo, bambolea
Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
The Last of the Bambooshkas
In the bottom of a box, waiting to go home.
Mama K found it, exclaiming in surprise,
"I thought the 'booshkas all had gone! I can't believe my eyes!"
So this lonely little 'booshka, so lovely and so sweet,
We offer up for auction, in hopes that it will meet
A new and loving family, a precious little baby,
A hyeana to love it, and show it off, just maybe?
It is the last bambooshka, there won't be any more :(
So don't miss out on this historic piece of nappy lore!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Don't you hate it when...
Tuesday 13th everyone! Tuesday 13th!
sooo much stock!
So anyway, I have nearly got my house in order for a week of uploading - going to have a final tidy-up today while my niece is here to amuse Audrey. Washing for the week is done, got 3 loads to put away (1 in the dryer, 2 on clothes horses). Then I'm going to paint some silk, tidy up my current stock, and wait to be swamped in products tomorrow!! :)
little happy dance!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Celery Swirls

This is what is very slightly wrong with it :
- the pants have a very minor pull near the crotch on one side. Should not be noticeable in use
- Kate wasn't entirely happy with the overall look of the nappy, but I spent this morning patting it and could see nothing of note, that wasn't a feature of the fabrics used.
- There are a few spots where Kate wasn't entirely happy with the topstitching on the Swing top and she suspects it may fray a little after a few washes. It won't affect the performance of the garment at all.
The pants are a size 1, but can be worn by bubbas in size 00 with the cuffs rolled up, as shown in the last picture.
The nappy is side snap, turned, with two full layers of 70% bamboo/30% cotton terry in the body, and a lay in booster with three layers of the same. The nappy will fit to approximately 6 to 13 kilos.
The swing top is cotton twill one side and white PUL on the other, laminate outwards. It can be worn at feeding time and wiped down, then reversed again for wear with the pants (or anything else for that matter!). Swing tops will fit from around 3 months to 3 years and can be snapped to suit very small babies.
To read more about these gorgeous sets please visit our website. OOAK imported fabric Come Out and Play sets will be available at our next full moon stocking, as well as a very limited number of custom sets!
What's that you whisper?
What's that you say?
A code word to nab it?
Click on comments, type away!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Friday Night Update
The new night nappies are gonna be awesome!! They look great and they are gonna work great. New wool cover - they look UNBELIEVEABLE and I hope they work great :) I reckon they will :)
I have got a lot of orders out today, good to clean out the outstanding customs, espcially since we stock in 9 days LOL Anyway, have a bit of a revised to do list for after I tidy up the feral house a bit and get Audrey off to bed
- email K re transfer - done
- email KC re MA lanolin - done
- email B re NG - done
- email NG winners - done
- talk to Kate, then email NC comp winners
- pack straglers
- tidy up books for bottom line
- harrass Steve to upload coap - done
- photograph celery
this weekend
- dye (sif's set, bambooshka, silks)
- create product listing for come out and play sets
- upload other unlisted stuff
- buy new transfers from officeworks