Everybody needs a muse...

Here is mine. I LOVE this fabric... this witchy woman is my inspiration at the moment. Not even sure why... except that I love going out disco dancing and she is clearly having fun and hasn't a care in the world.
Goal for today is to get my house cleaned so I can put this up in my study/sewing room and look upon it daily :D
Meanwhile every time I look at the pics down there of Em's new playset my heart sings... the apron is going to be worn often, and the nappy... ohh the nappy. It is without doubt the most beautiful nappy that I currently own. And it looks so cute on her.
Was STOKED that the apron fit Audrey as well, was hoping for a onesize and was thrilled that it worked!
Got two more instocks to sew today for the next full moon before I get onto cutting the new knockers and some other stuff too.
They are gonna take people's eyes out I think! Have been so impressed with our O/S fabrics... very tempted to go build a new wishlist right now!
No, must clean, that can be my reward later today :D
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